The Neurodiversity Resource Pack

What is Neurodiversity?(1)

Neurodiversity explains why we are not all the same.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Someone who is 'neurodivergent' may learn, think, or behave differently than what is considered "typical" (also known as 'neurotypical'). Misunderstanding can lead to children feeling isolated, excluded from their peers, and frustrated.

Variations in the way we learn, think or behave are often labelled with a diagnosis – Such as Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyspraxia, Developmental Language Disorder (or DLD), Autism, ADHD, and more…​​​​​​​

What is Dyslexia?

Did you know that as many as 1 – in – 5 people have dyslexia? (2)​​​​​​​

Dyslexia is a diagnosis that can be found under the ‘neurological umbrella, and mostly causes difficulty with reading, writing, and spelling.

Learn more about dyslexia, how to identify it, and how to help from expert articles and videos.

  • Find out basic facts about dyslexia.
  • What is the definition of dyslexia? Is dyslexia a medical issue or an educational difficulty?
  • Quickly find out some of the most common difficulties caused by dyslexia.
  • There are many widespread myths about dyslexia, such as reading and writing backwards or claims of miraculous cures. Make sure you know the facts.
  • The Science of Reading is everything that is scientifically known about how children learn to read, and the most effective way for reading to be taught.
  • Read the story of 5 year old Shola. Blessing Ingyape, of Dyslexia Help Africa, describes the remarkable effects of intervening in the first years of school.

Other Neurodiversity Resources

Check out these articles from our experts, leaders in the field of education, and other learning difficulties found under the ‘Neurodiversity’ umbrella!

  • Does your child lose homework, lose sports clothes or forget instructions? They may have a difficulty with Executive Function - a set of brain skills that helps kids stay focused, remember things and follow directions.
  • Is your child's writing messy and difficult to read? They may have dysgraphia. Find out how to identify and help.
  • Does your child have difficulty with memorizing times tables and recalling addition and subtraction facts quickly? Dyscalculia affects up to 6% of children.
  • Autism is a complex developmental disorder that typically appears during the first three years of life. This disability has the potential to delay normal development in children.
  • “If teachers are not trained to notice and accommodate for the needs of diverse learners, a considerable percentage of every class will (fail to) succeed academically”.
  • Manobina Chakraborty tells us how about the vital work she does with neuro-diverse learners and their parents, and how this was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
